
Giving added value to multifamily housing contexts through a suprisingly versatile and accessible furniture range, all made in Italy.


Make the Ethra brand known and recognizable as the ideal synthesis of Italian creativity and international lifestyles.


Our story begins more than 40 years ago, when internationally oriented entrepreneur Giulio Pedicone decided to start producing office furniture to better address the needs of the market. More than that, he understood and felt that introducing wood instead of “cold” metal as a new market standard would have made a difference.

Over time, our company developed a strong industrial know-how and implemented different projects, born to generate synergy effects. The latest project is Ethra, a new division created for the production and manufacturing of modern kitchen and bathroom cabinets, dedicated to the various “multifamily” international segments, with special attention to the U.S

Ethra - the Company - production
Ethra - the Company

Beyond solutions

Going beyond solutions, thinking about them, proposing them and always looking for new ones, with the aim of meeting the needs of various clients: this is the primary reason why to choose Ethra.


Extreme flexibility.
Making of furniture according to specific techniques, meeting client needs in terms of materials, function and dimension. The boxes for instance, have a 1/3 inch back panel for more resistance and robustness. However, the 1/6 solution is also possible.
What’s more, the cases are made of melamine, but the use of alternative materials such as blockboard, multilayered, MDF and Marine plywood is not a limitation. The same is for the top of the bases.
The kitchens are delivered assembled, however the kit solution is certainly possible.


It’s possible to:
• customize holes to enable use of different kinds of hardware from the best producers;
• customize the materials and respective finishes;
• apply specific lighting systems;
• make special manufacturing;
• create new products and make the respective shop drawings and prototypes.


Respondance to the needs of the American market.
• ADA compliant products;
• shelves with 20% more storage space compared to European standards;
• materials conform to Carb 2 EO regulations;
• led UL Compliant and Wet Listed lighting systems;
• use of the metric decimal system, as well as the imperial system;
• automatic control during the unloading of the goods on the job site, through a link connected to our operative system;
• double wave cardboard packaging with external closing tape;
• internal protections on the front part of the furniture and on the corners with cardboard bonnets.

Sustainability and Certificates

Care for the environment, safety on the workplace and high quality of production processes: these are the principles on which Ethra is based and they’re carried out every day, respecting the environment and workers’ and employees’ rights. As part of Las group, Ethra does its part for the Leed certificate for the projects in which it’s involved, using recycled materials and causing low Voc emissions.
The quality system is UNI EN ISO 9001: 2008 certified and in conformity with international regulations for the quality of the projects, development, manufacturing and customer support.
The certificates UNI EN ISO 14001 and Forest Stewardship Council®, licence for using the logoFSC® CO23603 were also awarded to Ethra, proving its care for the environment.
Other important awards were obtained for respecting ethical and social norms, such as human rights, workers’ rights, equal opportunities, protection of minors, through the following certificates: SA8000 (Social Responsibility); OHSAS 8001: 2007 (System for ensuring health and safety on workplaces)

Here below all the certificates: